Meeting On The Implementation Of Circular No.00155/LC/MINFOF/CAB Of 3 July 2024 On The Use Of Preliminary Consignment Notes Within The Framework Of SIGIF-2
  • Date de Publication : 2024-07-17

On 12 July 2024, Room 635 of the Ministry of Forests and Fauna serves as venue for a meeting on the implementation of Circular No. 00155/LC/MINFOF/CAB of 3 July 2024 on the use of preliminary consignment notes within the framework of SIGIF-2. The meeting that was chaired by Jules Doret NDONGO, Minister of Forestry and Wildlife, was attended by some officials of the central services, as well as a number of Divisional Delegates and Chiefs of “traceability” forest control posts. The aim of the meeting for the Minister was to reiterate his directives to his collaborators and to listen to any difficulties that might be hampering their work.

In his opening address, the Minister stressed the importance of this working session, which was taking place within the context of the implementation of the Forest Information Management IT System 2 (SIGIF2), a tool designed to implement the State’s policy of reorganising the forestry sub-sector, particularly combating the illegal exploitation of forest resources and associated trade.

Launched on 1 July 2021 and made compulsory in January 2022, SIGIF 2 has produced more than satisfactory results at mid-term, and must continue to improve. He also criticised some shortcomings in the functioning of decentralised services, particularly forest control/checkpoint “traceability” posts, such as the lack of professionalism and violation of instructions and directives from the hierarchy, which have tarnished the image of SIGIF 2 and thus that of MINFOF.

Warning his staff against such practices, which are encouraged by the abusive use of preliminary consignment notes, also known as “draft consignment notes”, subject of the above-mentioned circular, and which lead to fraud and illegal logging, the Minister recalled that SIGIF2, far from being an instrument of retaliation, is a tool meant to support both the State in their vision and economic operators in achieving their objectives. Thus, exemptions from obedience and the application of the law cannot be granted to anyone, and no act of lightness or complicity with unscrupulous economic operators will go unpunished. Therefore, for any difficulties encountered in the field, his collaborators must use their ability to adapt in the spirit of the law and, as far as possible, refer to their hierarchy.

During discussions with participants, the main difficulties noted had to do with accessing the SIGIF 2 system. Clarifications were also provided on the stamping of temporary consignment notes, the use of these notes and the SIGIF2 platform, and also inventories. All the concerns raised were clarified.

Finally, the Chairman took the opportunity to urge his colleagues to be more rigorous in the physical control of loading, sharing of information, respect of hierarchy and instructions given, to be prompt, morally upright, to provide a free public service and to respect the other values of the Cameroon administration. Finally, he enjoined Regional Delegates to hold working sessions in the regions with their Chiefs of forest control posts with regard to SIGIF 2.