Donation of some anti-poaching equipment to MINFOF
  • Date de Publication : 2024-07-08

On Friday, July 05, 2024, the Cameroon branch of the "Sauvegarde Faune Sauvage" (S.F.S.) association led by Mr. EVOUE Philippe offered a donation to the Ministry of Forestry and Wildlife in a ceremony chaired by Mr. Biakaiy Norbert, Head of the National Brigade for Forestry Control and Anti-poaching Operations.

During the ceremony, the Association used the opportunity to present its fight for the protection of the environment and the fight against poaching throughout the world, and more specifically in Cameroon, as poaching has become a global phenomenon with the most sophisticated modern means, it is necessary and even urgent to respond to the threat with modern means. With this in mind, the MoU between the SFS Association and MINFOF was signed on February 20, 2024 through which the Association undertakes to support MINFOF in the fight against poaching, by supplying appropriate equipment in the form of gadgets.

To this end, a wide range of gadgets was received by MINFOF. These include: one (01) Rolex watch (High-Definition Camera Watch); two (02) electronic watches; two (02) car key rings with USB keys; two (02) electronic pens; three (03) electronic glasses; ten (10) memory cards with large-capacities, 32 and 64 GB and five (05) DVD diskettes showing some of the association's activities.

This endowment will enable competent forestry and wildlife officers to track down illegal exploiters of living natural resources in general and crooked poachers in particular, by facilitating the collection of solid evidence to bring them to justice.

On behalf of MINFOF, the Head of the National Brigade for Forestry Control and Anti-poaching Operations expressed his sincere gratitude and appreciation to the Association, while reassuring it of the good use of the equipment by MINFOF staff.